Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Learning as we go...

As we all know life has its ups and downs. It's how we react to these that can make us or break us. Going through this I have had feelings of both. It's been all of you that have kept me from breaking. Just when you feel life is too tough one of you come along to pull me back up. As much as I want to do this by myself I have learned that I can't and I think that's what I 'm suppose to learn. I want so bad to be feeling great, on top of the world, but then again what lesson would I learn. I am in continual awe at the thoughtfulness and kindness so many have shown to me as I continue to learn and grow one step at a time. I could not do this without all of you, especially Brandon as he's had to take on so much emotionally and physically. I can't not tell you thank you enough or how much this has meant to me. Please be patient God isn't finished with me yet.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Kiley's Haircut

Kiley kept falling asleep as she was getting her hair cut.

New Years Day fun at Grandparents

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Christmas with Matt & Gina

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Hospital Adventures

Posted by PicasaThank you everyone for all of your love, support and all your help with everything.
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