Sunday, November 4, 2012

Kiley's Basketball

This was Kiley's first year playing Basketball. She was so excited when Brandon said he could coach her team. They had a Fantastic year full of learning, growing and lots of fun. It was a lot of fun to watch them. They did very good and learned a lot. It was a fun year.

Halloween Fun!

Halloween is always a lot of fun at our house. The School Halloween Parade is always fun to see all of the kids creative costumes. My parents came down to be with us and share in the joy, which was fun for the kids to have them here. Then we headed over to the Trunk or Treat for lots of candy. Then to Grandma Holts for her famous Chili and Chicken Noodle Soup and Doughnuts. Then to finish off the night with a bon fire at our friends the Packers. Good Times!